11th American Healthcare Summit on November 15-18, 2022.

11th American Healthcare Summit on November 15-18, 2022.   

Conferences are a necessary component of academic life, but with the pressure of presenting or givingspeeches as well as the concentration on having papers published, they can occasionally feel overwhelming or even frightening.

Why should you take part as a listener?

·         Connect with experts in the subject, impart your knowledge, and gain recognition.

·         Create a professional path.

·         Boost your communication and presenting abilities.

·         Pay attention to the top-notch research.

·         Participate in IEECP conference.

·         Interact with lecturers who are subject-matter experts.


1. Request input on an early draught of your most recent work.

When giving a presentation at a conference, which can be nerve-wracking, you might be inclined to stick with the same script since you know it's secure. 

However, if you do this, you will miss out on one significant advantage of conferences: the opportunity to receive expert commentary on early draughts of your work. 

Preliminary findings from your most recent experiment can be discussed during your presentation, and the audience's remarks can help you prepare for reviewers' critiques when you submit the work for publication. 

As an alternative, you may outline your previously published work and then include some fresh thoughts at the end.


2. Network with others in your field.

Getting to meet others in your field at a conference is one of the biggest advantages. We've already discussed how conferences are a crucial platform for networking. Naturally, networking is crucial when looking for a job, but there are other advantages to having a large network. Having a network makes it simpler to get in touch with people when you need guidance from a specialist in another sector or want to invite someone to deliver a discussion at your institution. 

Having support from those who are in a similar stage of their careers to you and can understand the difficulties and struggles is also beneficial.


3. Discover the newest research. A conference is the place to be if you want to learn about the most recent discoveries in your field before they are even reported in journals. At a conference, many researchers will present early results or work that has not yet been published. Naturally, you shouldn't believe everything you hear at a conference unless you can examine the approach and results for yourself, but this is a fantastic opportunity to learn about what other people are working on. These concepts might provide you with lots of research inspiration.


4. Develop your communication and presenting abilities.

Every career needs soft skills, but in academics or research your presentation and communication abilities are especially crucial. Thankfully, conferences offer you the chance to put these abilities into practise. You will get more at ease speaking in front of an audience if you practise giving your talk or presenting your poster. You will also learn things like the appropriate pace to speak at and the level of depth to include in your explanations. 

You can improve your communication skills by interacting with other attendees and responding to inquiries following your presentation.

5. Travel somewhere new and have fun

Finally, don't forget that going to a conference is enjoyable! A conference can be entertaining even though it is unmistakably more of a work event than a social one. A significant draw of conferences is the opportunity to travel, which gives you the chance to explore a new location, sample local cuisine, and take in some local landmarks or tourist attractions. You might even try your hand at picking up a new language just a little bit. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to participate in conference-related social events including parties, vacations, and dinners. These gatherings can occasionally be stuffy or official, but they're mostly informal and amicable. Having the chance to

8. Increasing your CV

A conference attendance should undoubtedly be noted on your resume, especially if you gave a talk orpresented a poster. It demonstrates to potential employers or grant-giving organisations that you are interested in your field and actively participating in academic communication. If you've done it, show it off!

Welcome to the 11th American Healthcare Summit which will take place on November 15-18, 2022 in San Francisco, USA. We hope the American Healthcare Summit unites diverse researches and case studies from all over the world, in parallel sessions while offering many networking and publishing opportunities. Discover the latest trends and challenges in the field at this leading healthcare conference.

To attend as a listener you need to register here: https://health.universeconferences.com/registration/

Social Determinants health societies:

·         AHIP (trade association)

·         Respiratory Health Association

·         American College of Rheumatology

·         Socialist Health Association

·         merican Health Care Association

·         Health of Towns Association

·         Catholic Health Association of the United States

·         Mental health in association football

·         Blue Cross Blue Shield Association



Do contact us:

Visit: https://health.universeconferences.com/

WhatsApp us at: +44 2033222718
Email at: health@ucgconferences.com
Call: +44 2033222718 / + 12073070027




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